#SecurityNews: “The immediate future of passwords”

#SecurityNews: “The immediate future of passwords”

One of the most frustrating parts of the work day for many is the constant logging in to systems and applications needed to access for their job. While this process is mildly annoying for end users, the authentication process is extremely critical for the organization.

The most common and well-known authentication method is the user name and password combination, but will this always be the case?

The use of passwords as the only authentication method has many flaws, and has the potential for security breaches, which has left people questioning how passwords will change, or remain, as we know them today.

There’s no doubt that remembering the menagerie of credentials that allow access to all of the systems and applications needed to work and perform one’s role is a tedious and difficult task. Known as “password fatigue,” is the “feeling experienced by many people who are required to remember an excessive number of passwords as part of their daily routine.” Organizations require end users to use complex passwords with long strings of letters, numbers and characters in the hopes that this will ensure network and system security. Couple this with the requirement to change passwords every month or so and the process is overwhelming to manage.

Complete Article by ScMagazine

New Version 1.2.3

Here we have our latest version os our open source tool. You can find new improvements for your company. SAML Identity provider with OpenId, Web Single Sign On Service, and many more improvements…

Available Now, our new version of Soffid IAM Solution (v1.2.3)

Important Features:

    • SAML Identity provider with OpenId / Oauth bridge functionality. 
    • Web Single Sign on service


  • User management screen:
    • Automatically created accounts are displayed just after commit.
    • Account & sessions status is refreshed every 10 seconds.
    • Additional data is now ordered
  • Host management screen:
    • Sessions are refreshed every 10 seconds
  • Extend maximum user to 50 chars.
  • Extend maximum account name to 128 chars.
  • Now wildcards are not needed on search screens.
  • System monitoring screen now refreshes its data every 10 seconds.
  • Audit log is easier to read.
  • Improved reconcile process performance.

Bug fixes:

  • Improved translation
  • ESSO now works fine when user name does not match account name.
  • An error was shown when a role was recovered from an organization group.
  • Reconcile workflow now accepts role and user names with blanks in.
  • Workflow’s delegate button is functional again.
  • Application bootstrap incorrectly tries to modify column to CLOB type when it’s already CLOB type on Oracle database.
  • ESSO no longer disables local accounts when workstation is not on domain.


#SecurityNews: “The immediate future of passwords”

#SecurityNews: Cloud Infographic: Is Your Password Safe On The Cloud?

In the modern world of Internet connectivity, cloud computing, online banking, social networking, personal privacy and information security is essentially dependent upon password protection. Passwords are the crucial barrier that safeguards the personal information contained in the perhaps dozens of accounts that we interact with every day from theft and exploitation.

In particular, with the advent of cloud computing technology, password security becomes even more important as individuals store more and more information on virtual server networks.

Despite the many advantages offered by cloud computing, the system remains vulnerable to security threats. As more people begin to use cloud computing technology, it is likely that criminals will continue to exploit these vulnerabilities in order to steal personal information from poorly protected cloud users. A secure password can mean the difference between a private and secure cloud experience versus losing valuable data and personal information.

Complete article by CloudTweaks

#SecurityNews: “The immediate future of passwords”

#SoffidNews: New Partnership with Install4j

We are pleased to announce our new partnership with install4j.

What is it?

A powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications.

Now Soffid IAM will work with it for the best of the results.