Digital Business
New computing paradigms, such as cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things open new horizons for businesses by making the provision of high quality services all over the world possible. All these developments ultimately aim at improving our quality of life, at making it easier to generate wealth, and at ensuring that businesses remain competitive in the global marketplace. These developments have been made possible in a remarkably short time span, by virtue of the fact that information and communication technologies move fast; sometimes they move too fast for society and for governments. This explains why such rapid technological evolutions cannot be problem-free. In the domain of digital businesses, concerns are raised regarding the lack of trust in electronic procedures and the extent to which information security and user privacy can be ensured.
To avoid potentially damaging data breaches, companies should make the security of their company data a priority from the beginning. In attempting to make widespread changes to a business’ operations, effective security precautions are too often left to be dealt with later, causing sometimes serious issues down the line.

Why Soffid?
With Soffid, companies can reduce most of the IT related risks:
- Unhappy former employees will be disabled on time. Once the employee leaves the company, all their privileges are dropped.
- Use safe password policies
- Apply multi-factor authentication
- Provide just-in-time permission for privileged access.
- Timely rotate service accounts
And additionally, companies increase their productivity by:
- Registering employees in the required systems before the company starts its first job.
- Provide single-sign-on across heterogeneous platforms.
- Self service portal for password recovery.
- Use role-mining to create user profiles based on current low-level permissions
- Extend login and password management process to home desktops.
And last, but not least, Soffid can manage your customers identity, providing the most comprehensive and complete sign-up and sign-on experience.
Leading Organizations Choose Soffid

Improving the customer experience
Simplifying user management

Improving the customer experience

Simplifying user management

Minimizing their security risks
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We’d love to hear from you. See how Soffid can help you stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving digital world.
Let’s discuss your project
Share your requirements and a representative will follow up to discuss how Soffid can help secure your organization.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Una manera de hacer Europa
SOFFID IAM SL has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Program
and has relayed on ICEX support and the co-financing of European ERDF funds.
The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development
of the company and its environment.