por Rebeca | Dic 8, 2021 | Noticias, Recursos, Soffid

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to cybersecurity.
Over the last six months, we have seen an escalation in the number of reported cyberattacks, in their range, sophistication and in their long-lasting impact on businesses such as the Colonial Pipeline attack, and SolarWinds to name just two. These events obviously highlight the importance of having an effective cybersecurity strategy per organization, one size fits all because even if an organization undergoes such an attack, there should be company processes in place to mitigate the severity of the consequences. To do that, companies must monitor and be aware of the main existing security risks and effectively respond to these types of incidents as they occur.
Still, each organization is different in its make-up, business needs, productivity measurements and workflows. Each organization has different network architectures and software. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to cyber security.
Security teams are usually aware that they need to identify the cyber risks most likely to affect their own business’ smooth running and build a security infrastructure aligned with the company’s risk tolerance level. But that is easier said than done.
Even now, with everything that has occurred, many enterprises do not prioritize personnel and budgets for this purpose, often leaving the CIO or CISO and her/his team to “fend” for themselves. Without the appropriate resources and without full company involvement and support, that is a very tall order.
In addition to organizational support, with the plethora of different approaches and tools, identifying the optimal security path requires adopting proactive and scalable methods and the ability to prioritize the different types of cyber threats.
Whether you obsess about cybersecurity every day or you are completely new to the process, there are certain things that you should consider to make your company’s cybersecurity strategy successful. In this post, we’ll reveal five elements you should include in your strategy, regardless of whether you are the sole proprietor of a brand new business or looking to transform the security posture of a large, well-established organization.
Understand the difference between compliance and security.
In any instance where your company collects personal information or data as part of your relationship with your customers or vendors, you have an ethical if not legal obligation to be a responsible steward of that data. It is not enough to say “we won’t share your personal information” or be able to produce required audit reports if asked, because that’s not really security. The first step to creating a security strategy is knowing what data you collect, where it’s stored, who has access to it, and why. This enables you to establish what is “normal” data use for your organization and makes it much easier to see when someone is trying to steal it.
Make data security everyone’s responsibility.
Forrester Research recently reported that 80% of security breaches involve privileged credentials. That means an insider either unwittingly or with malicious intent exposed their credentials, and likely sensitive personal data, to a cyber-criminal. Another pillar of a cybersecurity strategy should be educating employees on the fundamentals of how to proactively limit exposing their credentials. This can be as simple as asking people to log out of sensitive databases when finished with them or helping them identify a likely phishing attack. An organization like the National Cyber Security Alliance offers great resources to get you started. It’s also important to consider data access control issues. With the right technology, organizations can apply role-based user privilege access control rules to align individuals; privilege levels with the actual requirements of their job function. Not just once, but on a continuous basis.
Account for the roles of your cloud vendors and ISPs.
Organizations large and small share sensitive data with cloud-native architectures for a myriad of reasons. AWS’ very useful Shared Responsibility Model explains; very well that cloud vendors provide secure architectures in which their customers can store data; but it’s the customer’s responsibility to apply their security policy to the data. This detail seems to be lost on the vast majority of organizations. Gartner reports that at least 95% of cloud security failures until 2022 are predicted to be the customer’s fault.
Part of your security strategy should be working with all your cloud-native vendors to ensure that their environments. Many retail and services organizations use ISPs to host their websites. They depend on their ISPs to keep their websites up and running regardless of traffic levels.
If your website were ever subject to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack; an incident whose sole purpose is to make your website and servers unavailable to legitimate users; you could be facing an existential threat. In many instances, to ensure the other websites they host are not subject to diminished performance. One size fits all an ISP will simply shut down a website under a DDoS attack until it stops. Part of your security strategy needs to account for DDoS attacks and have a solution in place to disperse; illegitimate web traffic without shutting down your website and ensure real customer traffic reaches your organization.
Have a plan for if you are breached.
In spite of best efforts, breaches happen and your data security strategy needs to account for what happens next. You should have a disaster recovery plan in place to secure your network; prevent further damage and identify the breach source as well as inform stakeholders and law enforcement. The plan should turn the incident into a positive by ensuring knowledge gleaned.
While these elements are essential, they are not all you need. We strongly recommend working with cybersecurity experts to accurately evaluate your specific threat landscape; and help you build a sustainable data security strategy for today and the future.
Today’s hyperconnected and decentralized workforce maneuvers within dynamic network; architectures and programs that have moved to the edge and the cloud. Therefore any effective cyber defense strategy must start with open communication between the CIO/CISO. One size fits all security teams, and company executives.
This open line of communication is especially important since 2020.

one size fits all
With the increased number of employees working remotely, security officers face the added challenge of providing remote workers with additional layers of security, as the organization is more exposed to cybercriminals.
Integrating business operations with security personnel helps employees understand security better. It also allows cybersecurity professionals to consider the organization’s business strategy and priorities. While establishing cyber security policies and managing cyber risk solutions and monitoring.
Additionally, establishing the following core security principles and policies empowers the CIO/CISO; to focus both on individual applications and the broader company infrastructure.
(1) Security Boulevard
(2) CIO.com
(3) The World Economic Forum
Picture: <a href=’https://www.freepik.es/fotos/negocios’>Foto de Negocios creado por rawpixel.com – www.freepik.es</a>
por Rebeca | Nov 17, 2021 | Ciberseguridad, Recursos, Soffid
The deeper we foray into the Internet Age, the more organizations turn to AI to raise our productivity, improve sales, or enhance our experiences. Now, they are also turning to it to shore up their defenses against the crime that inevitably follows.
As traditional company barriers broke down, and remote working became the norm, the threat landscape rapidly changed, bringing cybersecurity to centre stage for every digital organisation.
To be resilient in this hybrid working paradigm, businesses need to react to this evolved landscape as threats continue to grow both in size and complexity. Threats now exist both from within and externally, from individuals, cybercrime organisations and even nation states. The existing norms of securing organisational IT will not stand to test in this new reality.
Enterprises and business composability
Enterprises that employed «business composability» were more likely to succeed during the volatility caused by the pandemic, according to Gartner. That volatility is here to stay, so now is the time to get ready for it.
Nearly two years after a massive disruption hit enterprises, a few lessons are evident.
Some organizations quickly adapted to the circumstances, recognized the opportunities available, and acted to capitalize on them. Other organizations were caught unprepared for the unexpected and struggled to keep going. Then, some of them shut down.
What separated the successful organizations from that subsisted or didn’t make it at all?.
Basically, one factor might be what Gartner is calling “business composability,” or “the mindset, technologies, and a set of operating capabilities that enable organizations to innovate and adapt quickly to changing business needs.” However this composability was a major heme at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo Americas, and Gartner is promoting the concept of business composability.
“Business composability is an antidote to volatility,” says Monika Sinha, research VP at Gartner,. “Sixty-three percent of CIOs at organizations with high composability reported superior business performance, compared with peers or competitors. Also, they are better able to pursue new value streams through technology, too.”
Sinha compares the concept of composability to the way toy Legos work. She told InformationWeek in an interview that composability is about creating flexible and adaptive organizations with departments that can be re-arranged to create new value streams. So, she says organizations should target the following three domains of business composability:
1. Composable thinking
“This is the ability to be dynamic in your thinking as an organization,” Sinha says.
This kind of thinking recognizes that business conditions often change, and it empowers the teams closest to the action to respond. “Traditional business thinking views change as a risk, while composable thinking is the means to master the risk of accelerating change and to create new business value.”
2. Composable business architecture
This is the ability of organizations to create dynamic ways of working, Sinha says. For instance, during the pandemic, some retailers were able to pivot quickly to providing curbside pickup, and some healthcare providers.
“Organizations looked at different types of models in terms of delivery,” she says. “In these types of organizations, it is really about creating ‘agile’ at scale, and agile types of working in the organization.”
Sinha notes that digital business initiatives fail when business leaders commission projects from IT and then shirk accountability for results, treating it as another IT project.
“High-composability enterprises embrace distributed accountability for digital outcomes, reflecting a shift that most CIOs have been trying to make for several years.
Also create multidisciplinary teams that blend business and IT units to drive business results,” Sinha says.
3. Composable technology
Generally, This is the IT architecture or technology stack, says Sinha. Technology is a catalyst for business transformation and thinking, furthermore, developing a flexible and modular technology architecture enables bringing together the parts needed to support transformation.
Distributed cloud and artificial intelligence are the two main technologies that a majority of high-composability enterprises have already deployed or plan to deploy in 2022, according to Gartner’s CIO Agenda survey. Gartner notes that these technologies are a catalyst for business composability because they enable modular technology capabilities.
Tech investments for 2022
Another major technology at the top of the list of planned investments for 2022 is cyber and information security, with 66% of respondents saying they expect to increase associated investments in the next year.
“Many organizations were dabbling with composability before the pandemic,” Sinha says. “What we saw was that those that were composable came out ahead after the pandemic. The pandemic highlighted the importance and the value of composability.”
Now, as many organizations look to find what is the “new normal”. It’s important to understand that there may not actually be one.
“This type of volatility is here to stay,” Sinha said. Now is the time to “leverage technology as a catalyst for creating more composable businesses.”
(1) Informationweek
(2) technologyrecord.com
(3) Business Insider
Picture: <a href=’https://www.freepik.es/fotos/tecnologia’>Foto de Tecnología creado por rawpixel.com – www.freepik.es</a>
por Rebeca | Oct 6, 2021 | Ciberseguridad, Noticias, Soffid
Private and public organizations were on a journey towards a digital business model, digitalization in companies travelling at varying speeds. But the scale of the pandemic has forced a dramatic acceleration, both in the speed of change and the required investment in digital transformation.
According to KPMG’s 2020 global survey, organizations are investing heavily in technology to address immediate concerns like falling revenue and interrupted supply chains, and to build longer-term competitiveness and resilience.

t’s a struggle to find many positives about the current coronavirus pandemic, however there are a few interesting aspects that are starting to emerge. Trends that may well bring significant positive benefits as their full impact is felt in the months and years to come. One of these is the likely acceleration of digital transformation projects.
Cyber security and IT operational challenges, cost pressures, risk aversion and the skills gap are all driving the digital transformation agenda. On the plus side, benefits such as innovation and improvement of products and services, efficiency and an uptick in organizational agility are all expected outcomes.
Why Will COVID-19 Accelerate The Pace Of Change?
As vast swathes of the workforce shift to remote working and pressure increases to enable digital delivery of products and services traditionally rooted outside the online space, the pressure to be a truly digital organization will only increase. Organizations of all shapes and sizes will face renewed commercial pressure to negate the downsides through digital transformation and realize the benefits it offers in order to remain viable.
Organizations and investment in digital transformation
We are in a time where COVID-19 has transformed the future of business forever. Organizations from all sectors globally have been focusing on transforming digitally to ensure that the needs of their organization, customers, citizens, patients, and greater stakeholder community are met. The move from physical and on-premises to digital was critical to ensure organizations’ survival through COVID-19, as well as setting an example for potential challenges that may occur in the future.
There are very few industries unimpacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, retail is an industry that has seen Digital Transformation skyrocket. With the breakneck pace of change required for retailers to compete for business online further compounded by the influx of bricks-and-mortar businesses to e-commerce due to global restrictions and lockdowns, full-scale Digital Transformation very quickly became inevitable.
All this is to say that the conversations in business have shifted rapidly over the past year to a unanimous; understanding that digitization of services in addition to industry disruption due to rapid advancements in the technologies available to businesses are now changing the shape of commerce forever. Businesses that want to keep up, or survive in reality, will need to transform radically – not just digitally, but in mindset too.
A McKinsey report argues that “Now is the time to reassess digital initiatives”. The current pandemic is forcing the hand of many to adapt to survive. Never has the phrase, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ been more relatable.
Over the last few months
The way we interact with services has changed. Many of us are now fully ‘remote’—not only are we working from home, but also learning, shopping, exercising, and other day to day activities.

We’ve all had to adjust. But for companies in particular, it’s raising questions about how to maintain business continuity. Unable to conduct business as normal, many have turned to alternative solutions and business models. Restaurants have started providing food deliveries, gyms are offering virtual classes; and even hairdressers are offering tutorials online to help people cut their own hair.
These alternative solutions will likely require some form of digital innovation or optimization. In some cases, it’s fast-forwarding digitization processes that businesses were already exploring; and in others, it’s bringing to light new ones which hadn’t been considered.
What does this mean for a post-Covid world?
With many businesses turning to alternative digital solutions now more than ever before. Will there be no going back once the Covid pandemic has passed?
If digital solutions are more convenient, offer a better user experience; and are more scalable for businesses, why would we then revert to time-consuming, inefficient manual or face to face processes?. Are we seeing a glimpse into the future, where digital processes dramatically improve the way businesses function; and the way they serve customers?
We’re familiar with new tech start-ups, for example challenger banks, using digital processes to their advantage. But we may see more digital processes taken up by traditional services, such as mainstream banks. Hotel check-ins, voting and car rentals.
One thing to keep in mind with digital transformation however; is that as it develops, we risk widening the gap between those; who turn to digital options and those who don’t. Not only could this impact businesses, but we must also consider customers who might find it more difficult; to use digital alternatives, for example older generations.
However, if done right, digital transformation could help secure the future of many companies. The pandemic has highlighted the fact that businesses around the world need to become more flexible and more digital. And that through doing so, it could ensure that they emerge from the Covid pandemic stronger than they were beforehand.
(1) KPMG
(2) Deloitte
(3) CioInsight
Picture: <a href=’https://www.freepik.es/fotos/icono’>Foto de Icono creado por rawpixel.com – www.freepik.es</a>
por Rebeca | Jun 23, 2021 | Ciberseguridad, Soffid

Management and authentication of identities
While IAM controls provide authentication of identities to ensure; that the right user has the right access as the right time. PAM layers on more visibility, control, and auditing over privileged identities. Management and authentication of identities is really important.
In a Tuesday session, titled «Security Leader’s Guide to Privileged Access Management,» Gartner research director Felix Gaehtgens said privileged access management is a crucial component of any security program because of the increasingly large scope of IT environments, users, administrative tools, and IAM data such as passwords, and certificates.
Organizations face multiple challenges on Management and authentication of identities:
More over, insufficient oversight and auditing: Most organizations lack adequate controls to regulate the privileges and use of highly privileged accounts. However, but regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), J-Sox and GLBA dictate that organizations must demonstrate who has access to what data and resources, when, why and who approved such access and defined rights.
Importance of Auditing over privileged identities
Shared access to account IDs and passwords; The typical problem with shared accounts is that everyone uses the same ID and password, which creates compliance challenges, as it is impossible to determine who has access to the accounts and who actually performed a specific action.
So, inadequate segregation of duties: IT resource personnel who use and maintain privileged; accounts are often the largest access holders in any organization. Certain highly privileged accounts, also especially those designed for emergency operations and incident management; can allow misuse to go virtually undetected or leave no traceability. Organizations must choose between compliance and the ability to recover or resolve problems quickly.
It is a pleasure to invite you to our new webinar we are celebrating today, 23rd June.
During the webinar we will discuss about how PAM is emerging as one of the hottest topics in cybersecurity; and why it must be a part of your overall IAM strategy.