Seguridad en teletrabajo

Jul 7, 2021 | Soffid

Telework safety

Network security, Teleworking and Businesss

As more businesses turn to remote work, many are asking themselves, “What security issues come with working remotely?”

For most businesses, there are these top 4 security issues with working remotely:

  1. Phishing scams
  2. Unsecured endpoint devices
  3. Home office risks
  4. Network security

Whether you’re new to remote work or have been telecommuting for years. Additionally it’s important to understand how working from home affects your business’ cybersecurity. While certain cybersecurity protocols remain the same whether your office is virtual or not, other defenses need to be altered to fit the home office environment for all employees.

Learn what makes remote cybersecurity different, top security issues businesses face, and how your organization can protect itself below.

Regardless of whether workers are remote or not, all employees should understand their personal role in maintaining your business’ cybersecurity. It only takes one wrong click on a phishing email to cost your business hundreds of thousands—or even shut your doors for good.

If most or all of your employees work from home, the responsibility of each individual increases tenfold.
That’s because instead of maintaining cybersecurity standards across one office, standards must be maintained across as many offices as there are employees.

To achieve the best outcome

Managers and IT teams should help teleworkers implement and practice proper cybersecurity whenever possible. Ultimately, however, much of it comes down to individual responsibility. When it comes to security issues with working remotely, teleworkers must understand how and why they contribute to their business’ overall cybersecurity.

Network security refers to the cybersafety measures taken to protect your company’s entire computer network. Your network security could include cloud computing, proactive cybersecurity tactics, segmentation, and more.

Your business may already be protecting its network with some of these or other cybersecurity strategies. If most or all of your employees are suddenly working from home, however, some of your company’s security measures may need to be rapidly revised.

For instance, if your company typically employs a user privilege system, those user authorizations might need to be updated now that workers aren’t in a shared office space. Or if your data is currently stored on external servers accessed through an internal network, you might attempt to move this data to a new storage location.

But changing how you protect your network can lead to unforeseen problems, new vulnerabilities, or security gaps. . When circumstances dictate hasty change, however, your security could be at risk.

How to Protect Against Security Issues While Working Remotely

When it comes to mitigating or resolving the security issues of remote work, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The exact cybersecurity measures your business needs will vary based on your organization’s size, operations, assets, and many other factors.

With that said, there are several best practices that can aid in improving remote cybersecurity for many different companies. Soffid is the solution to access information as your were in the office. Have a look to the following interesting video were or CISO, Gabriel Buades, tell us about how Soffid can secure your company data while teleworking.

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