¿Cómo beneficia a tu organización la gestión de Cuentas Privilegiadas?

Jun 23, 2021 | Ciberseguridad, Soffid



Management and authentication of identities

Management and authentication of identities

While IAM controls provide authentication of identities to ensure; that the right user has the right access as the right time. PAM layers on more visibility, control, and auditing over privileged identities. Management and authentication of identities is really important.

In a Tuesday session, titled «Security Leader’s Guide to Privileged Access Management,» Gartner research director Felix Gaehtgens said privileged access management is a crucial component of any security program because of the increasingly large scope of IT environments, users, administrative tools, and IAM data such as passwords, and certificates.

Organizations face multiple challenges on Management and authentication of identities:

More over, insufficient oversight and auditing: Most organizations lack adequate controls to regulate the privileges and use of highly privileged accounts. However, but regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), J-Sox and GLBA dictate that organizations must demonstrate who has access to what data and resources, when, why and who approved such access and defined rights.

Importance of Auditing over privileged identities

Shared access to account IDs and passwords;  The typical problem with shared accounts is that everyone uses the same ID and password, which creates compliance challenges, as it is impossible to determine who has access to the accounts and who actually performed a specific action.

So, inadequate segregation of duties: IT resource personnel who use and maintain privileged; accounts are often the largest access holders in any organization. Certain highly privileged accounts, also especially those designed for emergency operations and incident management; can allow misuse to go virtually undetected or leave no traceability. Organizations must choose between compliance and the ability to recover or resolve problems quickly.

It is a pleasure to invite you to our new webinar we are celebrating today, 23rd June.

During the webinar we will discuss about how PAM is emerging as one of the hottest topics in cybersecurity; and why it must be a part of your overall IAM strategy.


Join now our webinar!

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