
Inicio de sesión único que cumple con las mejores prácticas de seguridad

The sheer number of tasks we do online grows every year as we create and discover new  opportunities to digitize our world. This is true within the workplace as well, but as we find more processes to automate using cloud-based technology and new apps to improve...

Principales elementos a incluir en la estrategia de ciberseguridad de una empresa

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to cybersecurity. Over the last six months, we have seen an escalation in the number of reported cyberattacks, in their range, sophistication and in their long-lasting impact on businesses such as the Colonial Pipeline...

30 de noviembre: Día Internacional de la Seguridad de la Información

On November 30, the International Information Security Day. As a result of this situation the Association for Computing Machinery (DHW), decree that every November 30, all people would be reminded of the obligation and need they have to protect their data from any...

Reinventar la ciberseguridad: predicciones de Gartner

The deeper we foray into the Internet Age, the more organizations turn to AI to raise our productivity, improve sales, or enhance our experiences. Now, they are also turning to it to shore up their defenses against the crime that inevitably follows. As traditional...