Cybersecurity Law Code There is a European Directive, Directive 2016/1148,...
El ransomware: Pagar o no pagar
Ransomware: To pay or not to pay The main goal of hackers when carrying out a...
The Uber breach
The Uber breach In September, ridesharing company Uber disclosed that hackers...
El sector Retail frente a los ciberataques
El sector Retail frente a los ciberataques; Cyberattacks against the retail sector are an ongoing concern. There are a number of factors that make retail systems attractive targets for hackers....
Nuevos enfoques y retos en ciberseguridad
Every company must face the new cybersecurity challenges and for this there is a new approach. "Developing a fully integrated strategic approach to cyber risk is fundamental to manufacturing value...
Resiliencia cibernética efectiva
Cyber resilience refers to the ability to protect electronic data and systems from cyberattacks. As well as to quickly resume business operations in the event of a successful attack. According to...
¿Están creciendo sus evaluaciones de riesgos de seguridad?
Security risk assessments are an important tool in your organization's arsenal against cyber threats. Because they highlight areas of risk in your digital ecosystem. As well as informing and prioritizing mitigation strategies, and ensuring that hard-earned resources...
Cumbre de administración de acceso e identidad de Gartner
We will participate in the most recent Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit . Year after year, identity is the most commonly exploited attack vector used by adversaries in cyberspace. On the enterprise side, compromised identities have been used to steal...
Ciberseguridad en el gobierno
Knowing about government cybersecurity is vitally important. Because any government’s primary security challenge is data loss related to security breaches. Protecting sensitive data from being exfiltrated and falling into the wrong hands is a government’s...
Nuevos retos a los que se enfrentan los CIOs en la actualidad
Nowadays, Chief Information Officer are focusing on business outcomes, agility, and improving customer experience through technology. While at the same, streamlining backend operations with automation is becoming one of the primary focus areas of technology leaders....