Cyberattacks against the retail industry are an ongoing concern. There are a...
¿Están creciendo sus evaluaciones de riesgos de seguridad?
Security risk assessments are an important tool in your organization's arsenal...
Cumbre de administración de acceso e identidad de Gartner
We will participate in the most recent Gartner Identity & Access...
Ciberseguridad en el gobierno
Knowing about government cybersecurity is vitally important. Because any government’s primary security challenge is data loss related to security breaches. Protecting sensitive data from being...
Nuevos retos a los que se enfrentan los CIOs en la actualidad
Nowadays, Chief Information Officer are focusing on business outcomes, agility, and improving customer experience through technology. While at the same, streamlining backend operations with...
¿Riesgo, amenaza o vulnerabilidad? ¿ Son diferentes?
Cyber threats are real—and more common than you think. The word “threat” is often confused with (or used interchangeably with) the words “risk” and “vulnerability.” But in cybersecurity, it’s...
Cómo la ciberseguridad puede proteger su identidad digital
With so much of our personal information available online, criminals no longer need to go through our trash cans for important documents. For this reason it is essential to protect your digital identity. For many years, destructive attacks have been studied and...
¿Las contraseñas son un punto débil en las empresas?
Passwords are designed to give you access to an online world while companies protecting your information. However, password security can lead to attacks. This first point of cybersecurity is becoming a weak spot that can involve dire consequences if unaddressed for...
La estrategia de las habilidades en seguridad
Evidence suggests there is a global cybersecurity skills shortage affecting businesses and governments alike. Which means that organizations are struggling to fill their cybersecurity vacancies. With the volume and severity of breaches in recent years, it’s...
La ciberseguridad en el ADN de la empresa
The company of today, both private and public, face a daunting variety of threats to cybersecurity. A cyber attack can threaten the very existence of an organization. And even the jobs of some of its C-suite officers. But the response doesn't rest solely on a...