El sector Retail frente a los ciberataques; Cyberattacks against the retail...
Nuevos enfoques y retos en ciberseguridad
Every company must face the new cybersecurity challenges and for this there is...
Resiliencia cibernética efectiva
Cyber resilience refers to the ability to protect electronic data and systems...
Ataques en el sector retail
Cyberattacks against the retail industry are an ongoing concern. There are a number of factors that make retail systems attractive targets for hackers. Fortunately, there are also effective...
¿Están creciendo sus evaluaciones de riesgos de seguridad?
Security risk assessments are an important tool in your organization's arsenal against cyber threats. Because they highlight areas of risk in your digital ecosystem. As well as informing and...
Cumbre de administración de acceso e identidad de Gartner
We will participate in the most recent Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit . Year after year, identity is the most commonly exploited attack vector used by adversaries in cyberspace. On...
¿Riesgo, amenaza o vulnerabilidad? ¿ Son diferentes?
Cyber threats are real—and more common than you think. The word “threat” is often confused with (or used interchangeably with) the words “risk” and “vulnerability.” But in cybersecurity, it’s important to differentiate between threat, vulnerability, and risk....
Beneficios de contar con una gestión de identidades
Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps ensure that only authorized people have access. No one else, have access to the technology resources they need to do their jobs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have grown uncontrollably. So no longer have enough...
Wi-Fi y Seguridad de Red
The Internet enables businesses of all sizes and from any location to reach new and larger markets. In addition, it provides opportunities to work more efficiently through the use of computer-based tools. Wifi security should be part of the plan if the company uses...
La importancia de la gestión de acceso e identidad (IAM) de IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping nearly every industry, from manufacturing and transportation to home automation, telecommunications, and healthcare. By connecting devices with systems, data, and people, you achieve more personalized, automated, and enhanced...