Banking & financial Services
The financial services sector faces multiple challenges in fighting fraud, growing digital channel revenue, and reducing operational costs. The business is focused on removing friction and adding more digital services. Yet security teams are adding anti-fraud measures to combat growing losses and regulators are enacting new compliance requirements. Both risk increasing friction.
At the same time, there is tremendous pressure to optimize back-office operations, consolidate tech stacks, and move to a more agile infrastructure with cloud services. Navigating these challenges requires innovative digital security technology paired with the guidance of an experienced partner.
Customers have unprecedented access to their financial information on a variety of devices, which also invites risk. Protecting customer data from fraud and complying with government regulations while also making financial products and services more convenient and intuitive to use is no easy feat. Adding to this complex challenge is adaptation to ever-evolving threats from criminals.
Financial security and compliance is a never-ending effort to outwit criminals, who will continue to look for ways to break in—meaning no system can guarantee 100% safety forever. However, advances in security technology, adoption of new regulations, and a shift in attitudes about digital financial services will help to keep companies stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

Why Soffid?
With Soffid, companies can reduce most of the IT related risks:
- Unhappy former employees will be disabled on time. Once the employee leaves the company, all their privileges are dropped.
- Permissions can be easily reviewed by mid level managers, according to a recertification campaign calendar.
- Use safe password policies
- Apply multi-factor authentication
- Provide just-in-time permission for privileged access.
- Timely rotate service accounts
And additionally, companies increase their productivity by:
- Registering employees in the required systems before the company starts its first job.
- Provide single-sign-on across heterogeneous platforms.
- Use role-mining to create user profiles based on current low-level permissions
- Self service portal for password recovery.
Leading Organizations Choose Soffid

Bringing security to a high level
Reducing costs by modernizing its access management.

Bringing security to a high level

Reducing costs by modernizing its access management.
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We’d love to hear from you. See how Soffid can help you stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving digital world.
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Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
Una manera de hacer Europa
SOFFID IAM SL has participated in the ICEX-Next Export Initiation Program
and has relayed on ICEX support and the co-financing of European ERDF funds.
The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development
of the company and its environment.