por Rebeca | Abr 5, 2023 | Sin Categoria
Cada vez se hace más imprescindible contar con una plataforma convergente que proteja a la empresa frente a los ciberataques. Es de vital importancia mantener los activos a salvo para hacer muy difícil o casi imposible que hackers se hagan con todos los datos de la compañía.
El panorama de amenazas no da tregua a las organizaciones y a los usuarios; ni tampoco lo hace la situación mundial en la que toda tensión geopolítica, económica o laboral aumentará el riesgo de que surjan nuevos ciberataques.
Los ciberataques en 2022 han aumentado un 28% con respecto a 2021, según informes recientes, siendo los más comunes los ataques de ransomware a minoristas. En más de la mitad de los casos, los ciberdelincuentes consiguieron cifrar los archivos de las empresas atacadas. Además, para casi la totalidad de los minoristas el ataque afectó a su capacidad para operar, así como que supuso una pérdida en el negocio o de sus ingresos.
Skills más comunes para hacer frente a los ataques
Los profesionales que hacen que la protección sea una realidad, tienen fuertes competencias y conocimientos para desarrollar una red de seguridad frente a los ataques el cyber espacio. Entre estas competencias destacan:
Conocimiento técnico
Se requiere un sólido conocimiento técnico de las redes informáticas, sistemas operativos, bases de datos y lenguajes de programación. Esto permitirá identificar posibles vulnerabilidades y aplicar medidas de seguridad apropiadas.
Análisis de riesgos
Deben ser capaces de evaluar y analizar los riesgos de seguridad informática, para identificar el alcance y desarrollar planes de mitigación y recuperación en caso de una brecha de seguridad.
Resolución de problemas
Rápidos y eficaces, para identificar la causa raíz de un problema y encontrar una solución que lo resuelva de manera efectiva y en el menor tiempo posible.
Pensamiento crítico
Deberán poder analizar situaciones complejas. Esto implica la capacidad de evaluar una amplia gama de datos y opciones y tomar decisiones que protejan los sistemas y datos.
Comunicación efectiva
Tener la capacidad de comunicar conceptos técnicos complejos de manera clara y concisa a cualquier tipo de persona, ya sea o no profesional, es clave.
Gestión de proyectos
La capacidad de planificación, ejecución y seguimiento de proyectos, es fundamental para establecer y cumplir plazos, gestionar presupuestos y coordinar equipos de trabajo.
Pensamiento estratégico
Para desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias de seguridad informática que protejan los sistemas y datos.
En Soffid contamos con un equipo de expertos para ofrecer a tu empresa soluciones de ciberseguridad integrales que permitan detectar y responder ante cualquier amenaza. ¿Hablamos?
(1) ciberseguridadpyme.es
por Rebeca | Mar 1, 2023 | Ciberseguridad, iam, Sin Categoria
Protection Against
Cyberattacks is one of our goals. So, Cyber attacks are a growing concern for businesses of all sizes. Especially since hackers seek to exploit vulnerabilities in information systems and steal data. In the face of these threats, it is critical for organizations to take a proactive approach to security. And implement the
Identity Governance Administration (IGA) at the same time.
Accordingly, IGA is the process of defining and enforcing policies and procedures for managing user access to systems and data. Also, this process is critical for ensuring that only authorized users have access to information.
Protection Against Cyberattacks Keys and Points
Here are some key ways IGA can help protect your business from cyberattacks:
- Strong authentication methods: IGA helps reduce the risk of using weak passwords or preventing them from being stolen through cyberattacks. This is so because it applies strong authentication methods and password generation.
- Effective identity management: IGA helps ensure that only authorized users access the system by taking care of managing user identities and permissions.
- Reduced risk of data breaches: IGA helps reduce the risk of data breaches and protects sensitive information by controlling access to systems and data,
- Compliance with industry standards: By maintaining compliance with industry standards and best practices, IGA helps organizations to reduce the risk of cyber attacks;
Finally, to ensure the success of your IGA implementation, it is important to take a strategic approach and follow best practices.
This may include establishing a cross-functional team, conducting a risk assessment, choosing the right technology, and monitoring performance.
Final Words About Cyberattacks
At Soffid, we have a deep understanding of Identity Governance Administration (IGA) and can help you implement an effective and secure IAM system for your business.
Contact us today to learn more and protect against cyber attacks. Shall we talk?
Image by Markus Spiske in Pixabay
por Rebeca | Feb 22, 2023 | Ciberseguridad
How to protect yourself from cybercrime? The cybercriminals have been targeting airports, and the travel industry in general. Because people tend to let their guard down when they travel. This posture is doubly compromised when you are the on-point admin for so much of your network.
Protect yourself from cybercrime while you travel
No matter where your wanderlust takes you, you can protect yourself from cyber risks. So before you go on vacation or business, take these steps to protect yourself from the dangers of cybercrime.
- Verify each Wi-Fi network before connecting. Look for official notifications regarding the network connection and make sure the name is accurate. Additionally, be aware of any notifications related to the computer being used on a shared network. If you are a system administrator, hopefully you either have a VPN in place, a jump box, or another form of technical security in place.
- Always keep your devices with you and avoid leaving them unattended in public places. Don’t forget to add password protection and encryption to sensitive files as well; this will ensure that any data stored on your device remains secure even if it falls into the wrong hands.
- Arm yourself with dual factor authentication, so if you are an executive or entrepreneur, and your account is somehow exempted in any way from MFA policies, change that immediately.
- Leave Blueprints so you will always have coverage. Even if you don’t have someone on staff, bring in a partner, a trusted advisor, or even someone with a related but indirect role.
These are just the basics of protection. But they become much more important once you access things as an IT professional or a system administrator.
You are a target and to malicious outsiders, between travel and your role, you are a weak point to target.
(1) Travelagewest
(2) Forbes
Image: Rudy and Peter Skitterians in Pixabay
por Rebeca | Feb 15, 2023 | Sin Categoria
To better understand the benefits of innovation for companies, we are going to analyze the following study. A study by Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Bounteous, a technology innovator to some of the most prestigious brands in the world, evaluated the state of digital transformation maturity and the benefits that companies at varying maturity levels have realized.
The study took place in September of 2022, so the findings are as relevant as they are revealing. The study results in a clear conclusion. It’s no longer an issue of whether to transform your business digitally. It’s how far down the rabbit hole you want to go and how fast you can do it. Continuous innovation is the new goal.
In summary, the study showed that advanced companies operate with greater agility and speed, allowing them to focus on customer satisfaction and employee empowerment. Not surprisingly, the study showed that advanced companies have significantly happier customers and employees and are twice as likely to experience double-digit year-over-year growth compared to their less mature peers.
Benefits of innovation for companies
Here are the top five objectives that drive this continued commitment to greater innovation:
- 66% – Improve existing IT capabilities to promote agility and innovation
- 60% – Improve the customer experience
- 57% – Improve customer retention
- 54% – Improve employee experience
- 50% – Become more innovative
As a result the digital transformation is about changing the customer experience. While we often recognize the accelerated pace of business, today’s most successful companies ensure that they can move at the velocity of their customers through a closer engagement process, allowing them to understand their customers’ anticipated needs.
A very important tool to keep in mind when you want to innovate in a company is security risk assessment.
(1) Spiceworks
(2) Managementexchange
Image: kiquebg in Pixabay
por Rebeca | Feb 8, 2023 | Ciberseguridad, Sin Categoria
It is necessary to know the cyber security challenges for 2023 to create strategies that protect our company. Between 2020 and 2021, the average number of attempted cyberattacks per company rose by 31%. Additionally, these attacks have cost businesses dearly with the loss of data, revenue, and brand reputation. Accordingly, according to one study, 60% of small businesses have to close their doors within six months of a breach.
In 2023, attacks will continue to escalate, targeting a wider attack surface than ever before. So it would be wise to take these attacks as a given and focus for this year on how cybersecurity professionals might respond.
Cyber security challenges for 2023
1. Cybersecurity Spending
Cybersecurity spending is likely to increase becouse it’s become an essential budget line. And, in many cases, now represents an organization’s license to trade. As attacks and risks increase, so will spending as security continues to climb up the risk registers of organizations in both the public and private sectors.
2. State-Sponsored Cyber Warfare
Back in February and March of the past year, it was widely predicted that Russian-backed cyberattacks and disruption would become a significant issue. There will be 70 elections due to take place around the world in 2023, which have increasingly become a magnet for state-sponsored attacks wanting to cause confusion and exert influence.
3. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
These technologies will play a major role in the development of automated security solutions that help predict patterns and behavior of attack.
4. The Internet Of Things
Our cars and homes are packed with software that invites bad actors to launch attacks. And the year ahead will see more of these devices targeted.
5. Cloud Security
The key cloud-related risk is how we actually engage with the technology at the periphery, as the main providers generally offer an extremely secure core environment. Organizations must be more proactive in the way they secure files as they’re upload.
6. Cybersecurity As A Leadership Issue
Next year, leadership teams and boards coming to understand that cyber is primarily a risk conversation. Certainly, many leaders have learned this lesson and will be far more effective in dealing with their CISO and security teams as a result.
7. Legislation
Particularly in 2023, we should expect more legislation holding vendors accountable. Then, this will happen across the world in both the public and private sectors, leading to more maturity in the industry and increasing consumer confidence.
8. The State Of The Cybersecurity Sector
At last, investors will prioritize a route to profitability that will likely lead to a smaller number of cybersecurity players. Basically, only strong solutions with existing and growing revenue driven by tried and tested technologies will make it through the next two years.
As a result, the key is to ensure that cybersecurity is at the heart of any organization’s digital strategy. Firstly it’s an enabler of growth. Those for whom cybersecurity is a strategic priority will be far better equipped to deal with any new risks ahead.
(1) Forbes
(2) Spiceworks
Image: Werner Moser in Pixabay